Our Mission

The mission of Robbie Foundation is to improve the quality of lives for children with special needs.


The purpose of Robbie Foundation is to support children with special needs and improve their quality of life by: funding adaptive equipment, technology and therapy treatment not covered by insurance; providing art and technology programs to allow access to educational opportunities; offering family support and resources through respite programs, and cultivating awareness of the special needs community.


A society that values people with a disability, upholds their rights, and supports their equitable participation in everyday life.

Who We Serve

The Robbie Foundation is dedicated to assisting children with developmental disabilities* (including, but not limited to physical disabilities, speech and language delays, sensory integrated disorders, cerebral palsy, brain injury, autism spectrum disorders, cognitive challenges). We serve children between the ages of birth and 20 years residing in the state of Maine.

Our primary mission is to fund adaptive equipment, assistive technology, therapy treatment, and/or any necessary item not covered by insurance. By providing such services, our hope is to improve the quality of life for children with special needs.

*Developmental disabilities are a diverse group of severe chronic conditions that are due to mental and/or physical impairments. People with developmental disabilities have problems with major life activities such as language, mobility, learning, self-help, and independent living.