Finding Joy in the Little Things

These are certainly times of reflection for many of us. In the midst of a pandemic as well as the nation feeling divided with the upcoming election we can find ourselves overly stressed and in a state of turmoil. We can easily become obsessed with the craziness of so many things going on around us. […]

The Power of Positive Thinking

With the pandemic still heavy on everyone’s shoulders, it is easy to get overwhelmed with worry, panic and anxiety. Rather than allowing yourself to go down the road of ruin, focus on changing your mindset. Here is a great quote that speaks louder now than any other time. “Instead of worrying about what could go […]

Have a Thankful Heart

We tend to focus on negative thoughts that often leave us in a sour state of bitterness, anxiety, and depression. This can take a physical toll on our bodies and our general outlook on life. Make an effort to take time each day to either say out loud or jot down 3-5 things you are […]

Finding Friends For Your Child

All kids want friends. But it’s not always easy for children with special needs to find meaningful friendships with other kids. Some children are shunned because of physical differences and others have social or communication deficits that make it difficult to start and keep friendships. As a parent of a child who uses a wheelchair […]

Do Something for Someone

Need a bit of joy in your life? Buy a stranger a coffee. Want a quick pic-me-up? Give someone a compliment. Want something to make your day? Pay a visit to someone living alone. You will be bringing them a burst of joy, and then see what happens to you and how you react. These […]

Halloween is Not Cancelled

Halloween is one of the most enjoyed traditions for our kids. With cities and towns putting restrictions on festivities and limiting the traditional trick or treating, this celebration does not have to be completely done away with. Decorations can still go up, pumpkin carving can still be enjoyed, and being outdoors all dressed-up in costume […]

Be Your Child’s Back to School Advocate

Getting our kids back to school is always a taxing project even more so when you have a child with special needs. And now with the pandemic still looming it makes for a stressful season. There are extras that may have to be considered. I.E.P.’s or 504’s, health changes that happened over the summer, new […]

Having a Date Night Here and There

Raising a child with special needs comes with its own unique set of challenges. While all your hard work and dedication is something you do naturally for your child, taking a “parent break” is not something we think about doing. Every parent should carve out time for themselves. For me personally, it has never been […]

Where do You Find Your Comfort?

When times are tough, when we are hurting, sick, scared, or sad, we turn to our comfort things. Sometimes that means visiting a special place or watching a favorite movie or cooking a favorite dessert. For me it’s mostly about food, more specifically chocolate and ice cream. A simple bowl of ice cream can give […]

How to Create a Calming/Sensory Corner at Home This Fall

Creating a calming/sensory corner at home may help your child in times of stress and frustration this year. Many children will be spending more time at home so having a special designated place just for them may help to alleviate a lot of emotions. When shopping or exploring different options keep in mind the senses […]