This time has given me the opportunity to think about many things and there seems to be a common shift in thinking – at least for me.
As I continue to adjust to this new – and certainly different – way of life, I am always looking for ways to not just make it through this time – but to make this time count.
There are many “I just need to make it through” times – this is inevitable in life no matter what the situation. But along with that, I am focusing on trying to slow down and be in the present moment 100% – this is especially true as a parent.
Parenting – especially in the Robbie Foundation community – is never easy, but as the title of this blog states – “Nothing is Too Small.”
This is true in all aspects of our lives – especially with our kids.
I am constantly reminding myself to slow down – stop multi-tasking – and simply listen to those around me. I have tried to make a point to take time throughout the day to 100% pay attention to my daughter – to what she is saying, doing, acting, and just listen to her.
I have found this to be so beneficial for her and our relationship. The time I take to do this throughout the day could be for only a couple of minutes – but when your attention is 100% on something, the length of time is not what is important.
We often think – myself included – that unless we are doing something for a longer period of time or in a big way it doesn’t count.
But this is where we are wrong.
Those small moments with our children, those 5 minutes we get to take a walk or read a book or do whatever makes us happy – are really big moments and make a huge difference in our lives. Here are some areas where I have put this idea into motion:
- Giving my entire attention to whatever I am doing as often as I can (I am human and this does not happen all the time – but as much as I can).
- Tipping as much as I can when I order take out to help others.
- Donating money to local businesses who then turn around and use that money to donate food to front line workers (I have loved this because it helps a local business and those helping others).
- Taking a couple minutes to stretch throughout the day. No need for an hour long workout – a couple of minutes can do a world of good. If you need a place to start, I will be posting a Stretch a Day for 10 days on Breathe with Me Yoga’s Instagram page. These will be some of my favorite yoga poses – walking you through how to do it and the benefits of each pose.
- Taking a couple minutes to just breathe. 10 Percent has a live 5 minute guided mediation Monday – Friday and then a Q and A with the meditation teacher. You can also go to the website and watch past ones if you cannot make the live event. This is also a great way to feel connected to people!
What are small things you have done that have had an impact on your life?
What are some small things you might be able to start incorporating into your life to help you?
How can you relate this to your life as a parent and with your children?
We look forward to hearing your responses!

2 Responses
I’ve been taking the time to enjoy my backyard. I’m paying attention and looking at the natural beauty of the trees, birds, sky, and all the sounds. I’m also home so naturally spending more time with my son which has been incredibly beneficial for both of us. We are both much calmer, interactive, and overall happier! My son has significant disabilities and has never been more tolerant of so many things.
I’ve had plenty of time to clean out my house during this pandemic, however I’ve done everything but! I will say that I’ve kept up with exercising, which is a good thing for me. I’ve also been able to volunteer at my church, cook a little bit more, and of course spend more time with my husband, since he’s working from home. I’m hoping to do some gardening soon which has a big impact on my mood. And of course spending social distancing time with my friends will always have a very positive impact on my life.